Overview and Learnings
Presentations and Poster Sessions
Douglas, A, Fetter, G, Hoekzema G. et al (2024, March). Future-proofing residency innovation: Conceiving and advancing residency innovation in uncertain Times. Lessons from FM AIRE Programs. Session presented at the AAFP Residency Leadership Summit, Kansas City, MO.
Cole, S, Fetter, G (2024, April). A decade of residency innovation: FM Advancing Innovation in Residency Education (FM-AIRE) and Strengthening Outcomes and Assessment in Residency (SOAR. Session presented at the 2024 ACOFP Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly. New Orleans, LA.
Fetter, G, Newton, W. (2024, April) Family Medicine AIRE Program Review. Presented at the ABFM Foundation Board of Directors meeting. Colorado Springs, CO
Cole, S, Fetter, G, J Kao, Legere-Sharples, K, Skariah J., Weida, N. (2024, May 7) Good to great: Lessons learned from FM AIRE residency programs using self-study to redesign residency training. Session presented at the 2024 STFM Annual Spring Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Cole, S, Hoover Osterman, E (2024, March). Does offering an optional PGY4 impact residency recruitment in its inaugural year? Poster session presented at the AAFP Residency Leadership Summit, Kansas City, MO.
Legere-Sharples, K, Weida N (2024 September). Advancing Innovation in Residency Education (AIRE) and the 4-year curriculum. Symposium conducted at the Family Medicine Education Consortium. Philadelphia, PA
Published Manuscripts
Newton, W, Hoekzema, G, Magill, M, Fetter, G, Hughes, L. The Promise of AIRE. Annals of Family Medicine Jul 2022, 20 (4) 389-391; DOI: 10.1370/afm.2869
Multimedia from FM-AIRE Programs
Legere-Sharples, K. Why 4 Years? Middlesex Health Family Medicine Residency Program.
Cole S. Mercy adding optional fourth year to family medicine residency program.