FM-AIRE Application Portal

The FM-AIRE application portal will guide you through the process of proposing an innovative pilot to enhance family medicine residency education.

Application Overview

  • Estimated time commitment: 35-40 hours depending upon resource availability and institutional design stage
  • Application due date: November 29, 2025

Key steps:

  1. Review eligibility criteria and frequently asked questions found on the FM AIRE and ACGME websites
  2. Draft proposal in collaboration with program faculty and institutional leadership
  3. Prepare required supplemental documentation
  4. Answer each required question and upload required documentation
  5. Submit draft for feedback for a low stakes review
  6. Revise and submit final application

Proposal Guidelines

A strong FM-AIRE proposal will:

  • Ground the innovations in sound educational and care delivery principles
  • Focus on linking educational design and competency based medical education with GME outcomes
  • Describe the proposed methods and evaluation plan in sufficient detail
  • Reflect thoughtful approaches that are grounded in the needs of learners and social accountability of the community
  • Detail specific waivers of the ACGME FM Residency Program Requirements and ACGME Institutional Requirements

Using the Online Application

Navigate the application:

  • Scroll through each section to view the content. The application saves as you go. Simply click out of any field to save your progress and return later.

Draft and save responses:

  • The portal allows you to save draft responses and return to the application later.

Upload required and optional supplemental documents:

  • when prompted, click “Choose File” to select and upload the document as a PDF.

Submit a draft for feedback:

  • If desired, click “Submit as Draft” to notify the FM-AIRE program manager that you would like a pre-submission review and feedback. They will contact you to schedule a review session.

Submit your final application:

  • When you have completed all section and uploaded all required documents, click “Submit” on the bottom action bar. You will receive an email confirmation of your submission.

Submission and Review Process

  1. FM-AIRE program managers will conduct an initial review of submission.
  2. ACGME and ABFM reviewers will assess proposal and identify any components needing clarification or revision.
  3. If needed, applicants will receive feedback and have the opportunity to revise their proposals.
  4. The ACGME FM Review Committee and ABFM will make final approval decision.
  5. Applicants will be notified of the final status of their proposal.
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